What is Metaphysics?
Well, I’m trying to recall the first time I came across this word but I can’t.
I thought it is necessary to give an idea of what metaphysics means as I will be using this word quite a bit in my content. My making sense of life is based on the meaning of this word, application and testing out its teachings. And of course my Mindset coaching is based on the same too.
Metaphysics is the study of exploring and understanding our existence going beyond its physical nature. The Greek prefix meta means going beyond. The physical nature of things is what is tangible and observable by our five senses.
Science has gone beyond discovering quite a bit of what’s tangible and observable with our five senses. We are aware of another level of reality not seen by the naked eye, with the use of advanced tools. It’s hard to deny the existence of atoms, subatomic particles, gravitational force, electromagnetic energy fields etc. even though we can’t really see them.
However metaphysics presents a few more concepts to understanding our reality, which is still beyond atoms and energy. Concepts such as consciousness, rebirth, karma or cause and effect, intuition, extra sensory perception(ESP), subconscious mind and infinite intelligence are to name a few. These concepts are talked about in great detail in various, religious, spiritual, esoteric, philosophical and parapsychology schools of thought.
There are also metaphysics based techniques such as visualisation (imagination), auto-suggestion, self-image, self-talk, energy transmutation etc. used in the personal and professional development space popularised by the new thought movement.
All these concepts and techniques are based on a set of metaphysical principles. To name a few the law of attraction, the law of compensation, the law of cause and effect, the law of polarity, the law of assumption, the law of intention and the law of vibration.
I find these concepts, techniques and principles are used more and more in therapy, coaching and even business consulting practices nowadays. I have been studying the works of many public personalities in self-growth and entrepreneur space over many years. The ones who used to be pretty cautious and incorporated metaphysics in their public content in a roundabout way, now seem to talk about it very openly.
This is a good thing, of course.
My serious study of metaphysics started when I was recommended to read Think And Grow Rich written by Napoleon Hill. My mentor too was somewhat hesitant about explaining the material in it and merely suggested that I read it.
The corporate business coaching I used to do was mostly based on traditional motivational methods which involve strategies, statistics and hard work. But I noticed that most of the successful performers and leaders were applying metaphysical principles in their personal & professional work. Just like the aforementioned public figures and my mentor they did it quietly and shared the knowledge within closed circles.
I grew up in a Theravada Buddhist family, fortunately not dogmatic but more habitually ritualistic; doing things just because that's what they’ve always been doing. Then there was my dad who talked about parallels between science (as he was a civil engineer) and spirituality. My academic background is in Counselling and Psychology. I got interested in Parapsychology as my Counselling lecturers used quite a bit of its subject matter in therapeutic work.
So I have been exposed to metaphysics from a few different angles. But my serious application of the teachings came at not just one point but a few throughout my life. I had to go beyond my scientific rational ways to make sense of my experiences and to find solutions to the challenges.
One such experience was losing my dad. The second was experiencing bullying at work. I had to do some soul searching to make sure I did not lose my sanity. Re-reading research of Dr. Michael Newton and Dr. Brian Weiss on past life regressions helped me immensely to overcome grief and unfairness.
These experiences also called me to do what I call Core Work. I had to get brutally honest with myself in recognising recurring patterns, beliefs and unresolved past experiences. The metaphysical teachings helped me to fill in the gaps in my understanding of the why, not just think in terms of what and the how of things.
I find that the rational, linear way of thinking can be very limiting and even debilitating. Especially when it comes to overcoming challenges. Speaking from experience, you can get stuck in a vicious cycle of victimhood.
But expanding our perception using metaphysical teachings can be very liberating and empowering. So over future blogs I will be sharing my insights from studying and applying metaphysics in my own self-growth journey as well in my Mindset Coaching practice.
Stay tuned.
Here’s a quote by Carl Jung to meditate on:
“Our mania for rational explanations obviously has its roots in our fear of metaphysics, for the two were always hostile brothers. Hence, anything unexpected that approaches us from the dark realm is regarded either as coming from outside and, therefore, as real, or else as a hallucination and, therefore, not true. The idea that anything could be real or true which does not come from outside has hardly begun to dawn on contemporary man.”
What are your thoughts on Metaphysics?